Become a Member
Membership is open to any person who supports the views of the association as stated in the ANTA Bylaws.
Life membership: $100
General Membership: $20 (valid for two years)
GENERAL MEMBER: To become a General Member, one must be at least 18 years old, live in North America, submit an application, and pay membership dues. Anyone seeking membership as General Member shall directly submit his/her or designated application and dues, online or by mail/email, to the Treasurer or the person authorized by the Association. Each General Member shall have the voting right of one. The membership fee is $20 and the membership will be valid for two years from the date of their membership.
LIFE MEMBER: To be a Life Member, a member must pay life membership dues. Life Membership will eliminate any outstanding dues as a general member. The membership fee is $100 and Life membership shall be valid for the rest of the Member's life. The Life Membership cannot be inherited, bequeathed, assigned, or transferred. A Life Member shall have the voting right of one. If any ANTA life member is found inactive for continuous five years, the voting right of such member can be on hold after notification.